On September 18th, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed the Foxconn legislation into law. The deal, passed by the Wisconsin Legislature last week, provides up to $3 billion in incentives for Foxconn. The manufacturing giant plans to build a $10 billion dollar, 20 million square foot (1,858,060 square meters) facility that is projected to create an initial 3,000 jobs.A site has not been announced for the plant’s development, but Governor Walker said the announcement will be made in the coming weeks when the official contract is signed with Wisconsin Economic Development Corp (WEDC). The official contract will also contain more guidelines and terms to ensure the promises made regarding job creation and salaries will be kept.Walker is confident that Foxconn will live up to its promises and that the deal will attract not only employers and talent, but also venture capital investors to invest in the startup opportunities associated with the development. He was quoted saying “Not only in southeast Wisconsin, we can see this is going to be a benefit all across the state.” FirstPathway Partners shares the Governor’s excitement and optimism. We look forward to the state of Wisconsin becoming more widely recognized around the world and the opportunities that come with the new deal.